Timber Trail Romance

My kind of date is spending the day on my mountain bike riding with my hubby, Brett. So, it was very fitting to celebrate our 26th Wedding Anniversary on our bikes exploring The Timber Trail.

We woke up to a very overcast and rainy day. This would not dampen our spirits, especially after a fabulous breakfast provided by Rem at The Flashpackers in Ongarue. After being dropped off at the start of the trail, our journey began in the pouring rain. Something nice about riding in the trees with the rain seeping through. The forest smells alive and fresh.

Not long from the beginning of the trail you start to climb at a nice gradient that just goes on and on. Winding your way through magical looking forests to the highest point of the trail. It sure is a nice feeling to get to the top at about the 14km mark. Then the real fun begins with downhill bliss, stunning bush, birdlife and bridges. Don’t be surprised when you must ride uphill again, the legs will hate you for a few minutes while they get used to that climbing action again.

We had decided to ride the trail in one day, testing out my new Giant Pique and Brett riding on his Single Speed. The plan was to ride to Piropiro Flats for lunch and then out to the end taking in the scenery and just enjoying being out in the middle of nowhere. By the time we got to Piropiro Flats the rain had cleared and the sun had come out. Prefect timing to enjoy our packed lunch made by Rem.

Now that the sun had come out it became rather obvious that we were covered in trail grit everywhere!!! We stopped off at about the 65km mark and went for a dip in the stream. Took your breath away and that was in the middle of summer. Feeling refreshed and ready to go again we got back on our bikes eager to continue.

I certainly wasn’t disappointed with the second half of the trail, great climbs and riding through the cutting with their mossy sides and muddy sections. However, the best was yet to come, the Ongarue Spiral – winding up and riding along the trail to the totally unbelievable downhill section. My bike just wanted to zoom. You could probably have heard us laughing so much from Auckland. If my legs hadn’t been feeling a little worn out I would have biked up again and zoomed down again.
Ha Ha I will just have to wait till the next trip because I will be back again and again. This is just one very cool trail to ride.

With arms up high Brett and I rode into Ongarue woohooing at the top of our lungs. We had done it – the Timber Trail in one day. The body felt good (a little used), ready for a shower and the fantastic 3 course meal prepared for us at Flasher Packers. Great company and entertainment then followed by a soak in the spa – bliss – the perfect date.


This Post Has One Comment

  1. Janet

    Next trip coming soon in October with some girlfriends, this time staying at the new Timber Trail Lodge. So excited to check it out as last time in January they were still building it when we rode past

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