The Great Lake Trail

The Great Lake Trail Women’s Retreat

One of my favourite things to do is to encourage other women to get out of their comfort zones and experience new things on a bike.   Hosting a weekend in the very changeable weather of Spring down in Kinloch, NZ turned out to be just that![/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]We braved wind, rain and cold temperatures while taking in glimpses of the beautiful Lake Taupo and down to the waters edge.   The trail is split into three parts making logistics at little bit complicated.

We used the services of Chris Jolly Outdoors and had Erik as our driver and all round good sort.

On the Saturday Erik came and picked us up from the holiday home we were staying in.  Kinloch is a fantastic base if you want to ride these trails.  We used a house from the Bookabach site.  Prefect for a group.

Erik dropped of us at Whangamata Road car park all ready for riding the first two sections of the trail

Orakau to Kawakawa Bay 9.8km

Kawakawa Bay to Kinloch 9.2km

What a stunning trail, mostly downhill and only small bits of uphill riding.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]We spent Saturday afternoon drying out and relaxing waiting for the sun to come out.  About 4pm we got on our bikes and rode to the start of the W2K & Headlands track.  The decision had been made that we would just ride to the Lookout and back to the house due to the lateness of the day.

W2W Track Kinloch to Whakaipo Bay 13.5km

Headlands Loop 9.5km

Sunday came around quickly with Erik picking us up and taking us to the start of the Waihaha Trail.  Wrapped up in lots of layers and waterproofs we started off with the treat of rain in the air that soon turned into rather wet stuff!

Waihaha Bridge to Waihora Bay 32km

This trail was more demanding than the other two with its elevation and trail conditions.  Lots of muddy patches, twists and turns, ups and downs.  It tested the girls with a flat tyre, cold temperature and rain.

But WOW what a trail.  This is the highlight of the three.  The remoteness, bush and setting is something very special.  I will be back to ride this trail again.

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